Birth of Football Web Comic by Football Tribe Korea

by Mihyun Chung, Chief Editor of Football Tribe Korea

 My first boss at my first full-time job was this man - this man who is smart, clever, and confident. He never likes yes man, so is always open to challenges. He always protects his staff and presents a very clear vision and direction. He has got all the attributes that any boss would need.

 Except that he supports Manchester United.

 He is a big Man Utd fan. I still remember him saying "I'm very upset now because that Van Gaal sold Chicharito." It was very clear United was THE TEAM. So when asked which team I supported in Premiership, I did say "Glory Glory Manchester United," while Man Utd is the only team that I hate in England.

 Not long after did I figure out he is more than happy with challenges. So I confessed that I do not support United.

 Ever since then, every day at work was fun. He loves sarcastic jokes; and he absolutely adores football banter or even trash talks. That is exactly how I enjoy football with my friends: banter and trash talk.

 Every single thing could be used to make fun of each other.

 Last time when he received a mug from some company event, he gave it to me and said, "hey, since Real Madrid won't win any cup this season, feel free to take this instead."

 Here was another conversation we had:
 "United lost meh?"
 "You've got nothing to do? Need more work?"
 "What was a 105-million-euro player was doing?"
 "Why don't you get lost?"
 "Lost? What Lost? United Lost? You know what's funnier?"
 "Your face."

 As I said, everything could be used to make fun of each other. And every time I shared this with my friends, they talked about how hilarious the relationship between my boss and me was. 

 Is this unique? Maybe. Not many bosses are as open-minded as he is, especially in Asia. But it could be quite common that the boss and the subordinate support different teams, or even rivals. 

 That's when I thought it would be fun to make a content using our conversation. Then what would be the best format?

 Of course, comic. Everybody loves comic. Luckily, I know someone who draws well and supports Madrid. Soon we signed a contract, and ever since then, all I needed to do was to record a conversation between my boss and me.

 He was supportive of being used as a webcomic material. Not only that, he also suggested all the not-so-funny jokes.

 I am indeed quite proud of creating this comic. There are quite a number of webcomics on football, but not many on football fans themselves. But Football Tribe is of course, fundamentally, those who love football no matter he or she can play football or not. Featuring not only football players or managers but also football mania does represent where we head to - After all, Football Tribe welcomes those who like and watch football. 

Feel the Passion


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